I do not want to lose my standard of living for something that IMHO is unproven speculation. Life is pretty good for many people in the early 21st century, as compared to almost any other time in recorded history. No, not for everyone, and no, people are not equal, and will never be, unless forced by totalitarianism to be so on the outside. But things are better than they were (except perhaps for the degradation of the health agencies over the covid and vaccine debacle, a different subject). If the debate is individuality vs collectivism, I stand more with the individual and the freedom to make decisions for ones self.

We all work together in society to improve our individual lives, and need the freedom to contribute what we can, and also to keep and enjoy the fruits of our own labor.

When that society turns on us, even for what appears to be the best of motives "for the greater good", then it may become self destructive and destructive of the individual. I do not like that, and we certainly have enough experience of that kind of thing from the communists and fascists' of the last century.

Re Harari: I have not yet red his piece, but the TED interview was interesting, and I recommend it. He is obviously a bright guy and deep thinker, and he meditates, looking at his inner self, both good things IMHO. He seems however to like top down solutions, and seems to like taxation as a solution. Neither of which I support other than at a bare minimum.

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What a fantastic comment. Thank you very much. 👏👏👌

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