A million THANKS to all you HEROES.

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This group deserves medals and accolades for this monumental action!! The same goes for the police department that stood with them, verses what we usually see happen.

Lets see where the NIH in the UK goes with this. You have puppets in power there, so there is little want/push to protect the peasants, at the top. For them, like just about every other Western country...the Agenda is paramount.

There has to be more actions, like this.

Imagine if doctors started proactively prescribing the ingredients in Z Stack, for their patients and refused to give the jab. Imagine if they started to prescribe PT/exercise plans for their at risk patients.

There only needs to be a handful doing this, that can weather the firestorm that would come for them.

These medical professionals would be akin to those of us who refused any and all jabs.

While it wasn't easy, I think it was easier for us, in that we were not in institutions, that control our professions. However, some of us were told get it or be fired...thank God literally for the loop hole of Religious exemptions.

My PSA - sorry to hijack this comment space - Everyone needs to prepare. All those doctors I mentioned, if they have little to no financial liability in their lives, they will be able to stand and refuse to follow the Pfizer plan. They won't be able to be pressured to comply...no bills, no pressure points. The same goes for all of us, get your financials in order. Get your health in order. Have food staples stored away. The system was able to bring societies and individuals to their knees with a planned amped up flu virus...and then a gene therapy program...because of Vulnerability Points.

Look at all the techniques (soft and hard) the mandates used, to coerce compliance. Would they have been that effective, if people had been prepared...little to no bills, good health and little dependence on manufactured foods?

Looming on the horizon, is Digital currencies...as in each country having their own and globally being linked. When that happens, paper money goes away and so does your freedom and ability to resist. Actions like the one in this article, will be virtually impossible, unless the actors in them have reduced/eliminated their Vulnerability points. That window is closing fast though. Digital currency (CBDC) is coming quickly and won't be stopped...its a forgone conclusion.

Great story!!

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I have a letter to be printed and everyone needs to send it to their GPs doctors, hospitals etc. I will send you a copy mate. What's your name? I can't call you dots 😂😂


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Hi ,please could you make it so we all can have copies of the paperwork you have please,it’s important if people want to close down their local vaccine centres.

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Sorry for the delayed response...it's been a bit busy.

I've had a few start using CTD, for brevity...that is probably best, since I intentionally created identity layers, for this type of platform.

Less for those on here and more for work (I am with a larger corp) and of course the regime Eppses.

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Brilliant comments my friend. I do prep, I have written articles on the food supply destruction and warned my readers to prep. I've been buying silver as I can't afford gold when the fiat money goes ( which is programmable ) as you know, they will have complete control. But I have everything I need for me and my family to go off the grid, including a cabin, tents, a water filter system etc. Ditch all digital communications. I have marine and land radios for emergencies and a few other families on the same page.

If everyone could ditch their phones now, their plans would fall apart

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May God keep blessing you and keep you safe. I'm so proud of the people fighting this! My two eldest children went and got the jabs, I've begged them repeatedly to not get any boosters. I pray to God they have listened to me 💔🙏 my two youngest are unvaccinated like myself.

I've just been infected with the third round of covid but it lasted only days and I am fine now. My 10 year old must have had it before me and other than a short lived cough, feeling a bit out of it and the sniffles we're both fine!

You can't beat natural immunity 👌

God bless anyone who is reading this.

It says in the bible that poisons won't harm you, so take my advice, so am alpha course to learn about Jesus. Accept Him and surrender to Him.

I never believed until I lost my Dad in December 2019 but I've been given so much proof I couldn't NOT believe!

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Thanks for the invite

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