Great piece, cross posted this to my stack!!

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And of course, no talk about well know and well performing anti-viral prophylaxes

It's so scary, deadly and dangerous, we won't use the first line remedies, doctors have show PREVENT infection...because they don't come from big pharma.

Stock up on your Ivermectin and HCQ people!!

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Now will be interesting to see if the use of ivermectin is widespread or controlled and restricted. After the CDC swear they were merely suggesting.

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Wow...great observation!!

How are they going to skirt that pothole??

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Some black Magic

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I don't mean to blow your head off with this news, but

There is no VIRUS, there are no variants, and if you want to be frightened, keep listening to MSM.

Here you are on Substack, with hundreds, maybe thousands of people doing REAL data evaluation, you have access to ACTUAL science and FACTS, and yet... You seem unaware that Covid is a HOAX, that virology is a sham, that pharma is ALL about profits and is actively KILLING us with their death jabs...

I'm disconnecting from your page, but let me know if you get awake enough (I know, it's a big step to walk out over the thin air, but trust me... It's far better to trust NATURE than put any faith in these man-made "medical" lies). I'll gladly re-subscribe if you take that Red Pill and join us in the Truth Finding Mission that beckons us all...

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