I was damaged by over the counter pain killers - Ibuprofen - so now stagger on with gritted teeth and a stout heart (and lots of cussing!). But, I might well try one of your alternatives.
Btw, glad you are no longer in the military and abusing drugs! lol
Back when I was in the military and paid little attention to these issues, it was not uncommon to take Ibuprofen daily...4 - 800mg pills or more, at a time. I love the look on peoples faces, when they hear that.
I was in a career field that was 99% physical, always deployed and had high injury rates. There were always strains, sprains, twists, tears, pulls, back issues, you name it and we had it happen. The name of the game, at that time, was effective pain relief, reducing the swelling at the injury site and the ability to keep operating with the injury. There were two things ALL of us had in our lockers and bags...Motrin and a topical analgesic. We'd jokingly call the combo "candy and cripple cream"
"Ignorance is bliss" and "Youth is wasted on the ignorant" rang loud and true back then.
Luckily, no issues arose, from those years of constant and consistent chemical ingestion.
Due to several run-ins with white coated "experts" in the military, when I got out I had little to do with them. This of course forced me to change how I understood and cared for my body, as a system and organism.
The article is correct...diet, intentional mental and physical maintenance and alternatives to petro-chemical medications are just the starting points...for recapturing both your autonomy and sovereignty where all things health and wellness are concerned.
Remember...if you know how to heal yourself and are not sick (or brainwashed into thinking a kungflu is synonymous to the plague) then THEY can't gain access to you, can't make money off you, can't control you, can't injure you AND can't kill you.
Our species survived and thrived for hundred of thousands of years, without the white coat and their chemicals. We were designed to efficiently/optimally operate and survive, in the environments we exist in. It's only after corrupting and moving away from that model, that we became a chronically sick organism.
If you want to live well and have a chance at repairing the damage that has been done, get back to basics...and no the basics do not include the gluten free, organic, Vitamin A-Z fortified Twinkies, chips, microwave dinner or Mt. Dew.
Again excellent comment my friend. I miss being ignorant of the world as we know it. Knowing what I know now causes me to have slight distress. I and a few of my friends have banded together to help each other. Unfortunately, I have rare cancer called “Idiopathic Multicentric Castlemans Disease” for which I have to have Chemo in the form of lenalidomide, I'm also on a large number of different medications including anti-inflammatories but they warned me not to take Ibrufen as it can cause stomach bleeds. My diet will never be one advised, as you say, we survived on foods and non-medications for thousands of years.
There is no cure for me, it will kill me eventually and almost has 3 times. But I will continue to fight until my two young boys have learned what they must and must not do.
I have a Pdf of a book called “The Lost Ways” it is all about plants you can eat and plants you use for different illnesses. I recommend a free download.
I gave you a shout-out on Substack this week. I think you should be up there with some of the best. You are a brilliant writer.
I like to call what I do Wranting...more ranting than writing 🤣🤣
Well don in your fight with cancer and teaching your boys, what fathers throughout history, have indevoured to teach their sons. Hopefully the crazy times they are witnessing first hand, give your lessons and wisdom a realism and importance, that would not come through in a history lesson.
I pray you have the time to complete the important tasks, you've undertaken.
Thanks for the PDF recommend, I will check that out this weekend.
By the way, another substacker had mentioned using Turkey Tail mushrooms for different cancers. It may not even apply to your particular type, but thought it worth mentioning.
All the best my friends and thanks for what you are putting out, it's very good!
Thank you for a most useful post.
I was damaged by over the counter pain killers - Ibuprofen - so now stagger on with gritted teeth and a stout heart (and lots of cussing!). But, I might well try one of your alternatives.
Btw, glad you are no longer in the military and abusing drugs! lol
Keep strong; stay safe.
Thanks, just to clarify, I cross posted this from "The Truth Hurts News Share".
It is a very good stack and always offers interesting material. Make sure to check back or subscribe.
Thank you 😎🙏
Great Post.
Back when I was in the military and paid little attention to these issues, it was not uncommon to take Ibuprofen daily...4 - 800mg pills or more, at a time. I love the look on peoples faces, when they hear that.
I was in a career field that was 99% physical, always deployed and had high injury rates. There were always strains, sprains, twists, tears, pulls, back issues, you name it and we had it happen. The name of the game, at that time, was effective pain relief, reducing the swelling at the injury site and the ability to keep operating with the injury. There were two things ALL of us had in our lockers and bags...Motrin and a topical analgesic. We'd jokingly call the combo "candy and cripple cream"
"Ignorance is bliss" and "Youth is wasted on the ignorant" rang loud and true back then.
Luckily, no issues arose, from those years of constant and consistent chemical ingestion.
Due to several run-ins with white coated "experts" in the military, when I got out I had little to do with them. This of course forced me to change how I understood and cared for my body, as a system and organism.
The article is correct...diet, intentional mental and physical maintenance and alternatives to petro-chemical medications are just the starting points...for recapturing both your autonomy and sovereignty where all things health and wellness are concerned.
Remember...if you know how to heal yourself and are not sick (or brainwashed into thinking a kungflu is synonymous to the plague) then THEY can't gain access to you, can't make money off you, can't control you, can't injure you AND can't kill you.
Our species survived and thrived for hundred of thousands of years, without the white coat and their chemicals. We were designed to efficiently/optimally operate and survive, in the environments we exist in. It's only after corrupting and moving away from that model, that we became a chronically sick organism.
If you want to live well and have a chance at repairing the damage that has been done, get back to basics...and no the basics do not include the gluten free, organic, Vitamin A-Z fortified Twinkies, chips, microwave dinner or Mt. Dew.
Again excellent comment my friend. I miss being ignorant of the world as we know it. Knowing what I know now causes me to have slight distress. I and a few of my friends have banded together to help each other. Unfortunately, I have rare cancer called “Idiopathic Multicentric Castlemans Disease” for which I have to have Chemo in the form of lenalidomide, I'm also on a large number of different medications including anti-inflammatories but they warned me not to take Ibrufen as it can cause stomach bleeds. My diet will never be one advised, as you say, we survived on foods and non-medications for thousands of years.
There is no cure for me, it will kill me eventually and almost has 3 times. But I will continue to fight until my two young boys have learned what they must and must not do.
I have a Pdf of a book called “The Lost Ways” it is all about plants you can eat and plants you use for different illnesses. I recommend a free download.
I gave you a shout-out on Substack this week. I think you should be up there with some of the best. You are a brilliant writer.
Speak again soon.
Many thanks Dave.
I like to call what I do Wranting...more ranting than writing 🤣🤣
Well don in your fight with cancer and teaching your boys, what fathers throughout history, have indevoured to teach their sons. Hopefully the crazy times they are witnessing first hand, give your lessons and wisdom a realism and importance, that would not come through in a history lesson.
I pray you have the time to complete the important tasks, you've undertaken.
Thanks for the PDF recommend, I will check that out this weekend.
By the way, another substacker had mentioned using Turkey Tail mushrooms for different cancers. It may not even apply to your particular type, but thought it worth mentioning.
All the best my friends and thanks for what you are putting out, it's very good!