Great Post.

The drones or sheeple will be the useful idiots, that are caught short in the coming crises.

You have correctly shown, that the slowly planned and refined, cumulative plans and actions of the global regimes...will not be just as slowly and benignly rolled out...but will act as a tsunami, coming ashore relentlessly, all at once.

The actions you see happen overnight...have been being set up for decades and warned about for just as long.

It's people scoffing, ignoring or settling into their easy char and living for the moment.

The tyrannical chickens have now come home to roost and they are intent on killing you.

Keep bringing the truth. It will ensure there are a few of us left, to warn the next generations of the mistakes we made...but of course they won't listen either.

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I enjoy reading your comments. They are exactly what I would want everyone to know. Alas, the sheep will suffer and many will be family and friends. But we must be strong, what food and other provisions we have will be needed for ourselves for a long time. This is a link to my survival website. It covers everything


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