No matter what Ofcom says - and who has any respect left for them nowadays, anyway?! - the BBC broke it's own guidelines of being "committed to achieving due impartiality in all output" and has no place putting forward its own views during a Parliamentary debate, the purpose of which was for Andrew Bridgen to present his findings and for a discussion to take place. How on earth was the BBC supposedly able to analyse and dismiss Andrew's research and compiled data before they had even been presented or debated? The BBC only succeeded in making themselves look even more sinister than usual. It was pure propaganda at its most transparent.

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And even though it was transparent for all to see, millions will dismiss it and still get their jabs. Just like my in-laws

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Yes, sadly, millions no doubt will. But, each time the BBC shows itself up, more and more are coming over from the dark side.

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Very true. The dark side! Made me giggle

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