Good piece.

I hope he moves outside his FB presence and becomes an activist, representing those who have been injured by the jabs.

I have been dumbfounded, that there is not a core. of these injured victims coming forward or uniting, to publicly fight back. If we can tantrum throwing greta, lecture congress and the world, we sure as hell can hear from those who were the picture of health one day and literally the day after the jab, rapidly declined to disabled.

We need these people to join together, as have all the dissident doctors, researchers and scientists have.

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In the Uk, they have tried. But the media and police use a tactic called “Aggressors” they have undercover police in a van and send them out to a peaceful spot and attack police and protesters, while the media films it. Then the media reported that the anti-vaxxers started the violence against the police. But my latest article “attention.all nurses”

May satisfy you my friend.

Keep strong. Never surrender!

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