
What's in the skies

All the conspiracy theories are now over. They are spraying in the skies for weather modification and global warming.



No one believed in weather modification or that chemtrails were being sprayed out of planes. But now we know that they have been doing this since the 80s but in the last two years they have stepped it up.

I have been watching my skies in the Uk for the last two years because I noticed that they were grid patterns. And one other thing I noticed was that they were covering the sun almost every day. That explains why the weather was always correct when they said sunny and cloudy.

The freedom of Information Act allowed us to find out about those doing something with the ionosphere but they denied it completely about weather modification and spraying from non-commercial planes. They use private companies or military planes.

The other big problem is photosynthesis.

Because they are blocking this, it's stopping the growth of crops. This is a great problem all over the U.S and UK.

But these chemtrails can expand to over four thousand kilometres just from one plane. But they also eject capsules up into the air from the ground to cause clouds.

Trying to interfere with mother nature is not a good idea. The world is perfectly made and goes through its natural course and climate change. We can not stop this. It's happened since time began and forever will.

So here's a 17-minute video of an agricultural committee meeting with a specialist on weather modification.

I'm going to be doing a water electro test shortly and I will write my findings and upload the video. I know before I do it that our water, bottled water and my filtered water are all going to be full of metals. We will see.




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