So, they are struggling to work out what's going on with this plane. Where is the stuff going and coming from and what's this white substance all over the place and why it was on fire before it crashed.
I've been talking and giving my idea on the number of arms being sent out to Ukraine for some time. I have also had great concern over the amount of money that Zelensky has been given and asking for, especially $60 billion.
Now after this crash on Saturday, it's given me the answer to my suspicions and proved me right.
I suspected money laundering to start with. I knew that all the arms being sent to Ukraine were not going into the battlefield because I have been reading the Russian daily charts and they report on everything from that day. It includes deaths and weapons captured. Not that many weapons of the U.S or other European countries were captured. Heavy weapons yes, but no guns or ammunition. And then there are the captured Ukrainian forces who were surrendering in hundreds because they had no weapons, ammunition or backup coming.
So it's pretty obvious to me that there's money laundering going on by sending weapons to Ukraine and then I suspect money going into offshore bank accounts to the Biden crime family and the leaders of all the other countries or, only the Biden crime family knew about this laundering and the other leaders have found out after the plane crash.
So my take on this is….
Weapons delivered by the many different countries are put onto a Ukrainian cargo plane. Its first delivery is to the biggest arms dealer in the Balkans. Then it's off to Bangladesh then Jordan and Saudi Arabia delivering arms. That money is then placed into one or more offshore accounts. That's how money laundering works. But what about this white substance that made first responders' lips go numb?
Well, I know what that is too. It's cocaine. And quite a substantial amount of the stuff too. So the U.S is importing cocaine through diplomatic transport knowing no one on the planet can stop them, except of course a plane crash.
Billions of dollars and money from other countries go into Ukraine and it's not being spent on the war.
So this $60 billion is a huge amount. They didn't spend that amount in one year in Iraq for one hundred thousand troops, so how does Ukraine need that amount? Well, the answer is now out in the open, but it won't be on the mainstream media.
All these people shouting save Ukraine are listening to the tv and don't have any idea what is going on. But when you try telling them they say it's Russian misinformation as the tv has drilled it into their heads.
So share this, everyone needs to know what is happening in reality and that this is the United States at war with Russia as they have always wanted but using Ukraine to fight them. It's a proxy war.
Russia has been attacked and sanctions put on them in a spiteful move to disable them. But Putin is of hard stock. Russia will not crumble, they are decimating Ukraine. The United States are tyrants and has committed war crimes, money laundering and cocaine smuggling. I have a video of Zelensky on a zoom call to the UK and another caller and he has a huge pile of cocaine on his desk with his bank card on it. And he says that he takes the dog for a walk in the morning and then starts on the cocaine.
This is just the leaders getting richer and richer and they are destroying our food supply chain and economy.
Thank you for your time.
Dave Begley Poet
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