
The tide is turning, child excess deaths are up 755% in Europe

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Since the beginning of childhood vaccination in Europe, the excess death among children has risen by a staggering 755%.

Less than one-third of the EU-27 population was under the age of 30 as of 1 January 2019, with children aged 0-14 years accounting for a 15 % share and young people aged 15-29 years for 17 %.

A 755% increase in deaths will have had a big impact on the children and I can not imagine the parent's grief.

I don't blame the parents, the media has overwhelmed them with propaganda and fear porn. They have done what they thought was right and have sadly paid the ultimate price. God bless these children and their parents and families.

Now there has been the detection of messenger RNA from the Covid vaccines in human breast milk. Studies have now shown that the Covid vaccines are now being transferred to babies through the mother's breast milk.

The CDC has quietly admitted this, as they always do when the world is concentrating on WWII, how they are going to heat their homes this winter or some other form of fear instilled into them.

But the narrative is falling apart and they are desperately trying to get control of it.

A Havard study shows that the vaccine is far more dangerous than Covid-19. Biden made the most ridiculous statement on camera when he said “ let me be clear, the most important thing to prepare for a hurricane is to get vaccinated.” or pretty close to that anyway.

If people can not see that as a desperate attempt to coerce people into the vaccine and wonder why,

then I have no words.

All the facts and so-called conspiracy theories were once called false and denied by fact-checkers. But now it's all become true, but still, social media will remove anything that says so, because they are still trying to hide it from the masses. But they are failing.

Videos from security cameras worldwide show the same strange invisible attack on people. They seem to look right and follow something with their eyes, then go into a spin before falling into spasms. One man, unfortunately, fell under a moving train. It's speculated that this is something to do with 5G, maybe a test.

If it is, then this is what will be the end game for the vaccinated. But there is no solid evidence of this yet.

The video above will explain everything to you. Please watch it and take it seriously, Alex Jones has always been ahead of everyone else for decades. What they say or suggest is as good as fact.

Left-wing radicals are attempting to destroy Alex Jones via the court system! Don't let the NWO be successful with their latest weapon against Free Speech!

Share and tell everyone. We can only win if we all stop complying with the rubbish.

With the media on their side, we're fighting an uphill battle.
