
The state of Europe and the West

The more people support Ukraine, the worse our country will become. Whether in the States, Europe or Britain, we are the ones suffering from this proxy war. Read more.....




Written by Dave Begley

For those who think Russia is pushing propaganda & that their “invasion” was “Illegal”. These are the kind of people the US & NATO are defending, to the detriment of their people of course. And this is what Russia is trying to stop from coming into its borders.

“The Foreign Minister of Ukraine was pranked by a fake US Ambassador. He revealed that Ukraine was behind several terrorist attacks and that they have to force the EU because of “sanctions fatigue”. Ukraine leaders are not just unhinged, they are stupid. View the video at the top.

I have been following the war through live footage every day, I also get updates every 30 minutes or so depending on what has happened. I have written a few articles about this which you can find on my Substack.

This article is going to be a mixture of the war and vaccines. The state of the West and Europe is becoming increasingly difficult to live with. Frustrated and fatigued, the brave unwavering unvaccinated continue to battle the evil tyranny that's destroying our economy, democracy and human rights.

I've just had several updates as I write.

Russian Federation Investigative Committee opens CRIMINAL CASE after TERROR ATTACK at Russian military training ground in Ukraine-bordering Belgorod region, West Russia, in which 11 people were KILLED and 15 WOUNDED.

Blasted-out windows and rubble lined the ENTIRE meeting hall in the BRUTAL aftermath of a strike from a reported US-supplied HIMARS multiple rocket launcher warheads, in use by Kyiv’s forces, which HITS Donetsk city administration building, West Russia, with several cars going up in FLAMES but no casualties were reported.

I get these updates continuously, but you will never see these on Mainstream Media unless, of course, they try to blame Russia for attacking the people they have gone to war to protect. This is something that the Kyiv administration tries to do constantly.

Russia intercepted a Tactical Nuke from the West under Ukrainian military control.

This is very frightening. Zelensky has repeatedly cried for the West to nuke Russia and scare Putin, however, that would almost certainly cause a nuclear exchange. But it looks like someone has given Ukraine a nuclear weapon to use against Russia. And if this had not been prevented then next week may have been a mark on the calendar for the largest eradication of the human species in history.

Of course, not everyone would perish. All the elite and governments would have known and would be in a city underneath a city. Take Birmingham England for example, but that can be another topic.

There is so much happening in Ukraine. A proxy war was orchestrated by the U.S to use the Ukrainian government as puppets to go to war with Russia. With 600,000 soldiers at the start, Ukraine is down to 100,000. So now our governments ( mostly the U.S. ) have employed Al Qaeda and Taliban fighters to join with Ukrainian troops. They have hired Cannon fodder.

And now we will turn our subject to the vaccines.

Almost three years into the "great virus debate," we're still awaiting answers to questions we have for virologists. I thought this would be a good time to put forward in one place the five most basic unanswered questions, with the hope that any virologist will reply with answers. I'm happy to share their answers with my audience.

Question One: When attempting to prove the existence of any "thing," we follow certain procedures. First, we define the thing we are looking for, and then we go to the natural habitat of that thing and attempt to find it. If we find it and we isolate it (meaning, separate it from its environment so we have it in pure form), this step allows us to find out what the thing is composed of and what it does. It works very well with trees, frogs, bacteria and even nanoparticles. 

Can you give us a reference in which this step has been done for any pathogenic virus, and, if this reference doesn't exist, explain why not? 

Question Two: Virologists claim that the "viral culture" experiment proves the existence of the virus. In that experiment, an unpurified sample is taken from a sick person and mixed with fetal bovine serum, toxic antibiotics, and a starvation medium. It is then inoculated on a highly inbred cell culture, which results in the breakdown of the cells (called the "cytopathic effect”). This process is called "isolation" of the virus.

Can you define what the term "isolation" means to you and whether you agree that the above process is a scientifically based isolation procedure?

Question Three: The scientific method at its core means the choice of an independent variable (that which you wish to study) and a dependent variable (the effect this independent variable causes). By this widely accepted definition of the scientific method, one would need to isolate and test the virus and only the virus as the independent variable. So, a proper experiment would be to isolate a pure virus from a sick person that you allege is made sick with this virus and inoculate this and only this virus onto the cell culture and see whether it causes the CPE. Then, of course, one would run a controlled experiment: The identical steps would be taken, except no virus would be added to the culture.

Can you point us to a study in which this clear experiment has been done? If it doesn't exist, please explain why. If the reason is that you can't find the purified virus in any fluid of any sick plant, animal, or human, then are you willing to acknowledge that the only experiment one could do to prove the existence of these viruses simply can't be done? If you agree that this experiment can't be done, could you please refer us to a paper that shows how a "viral culture" is experimentally validated with proper controls at every step of the experiment? 

Question Four: It is often claimed by doctors and scientists that every nook and cranny of our bodies are teeming with viruses. These viruses, it is claimed, makeup what is called a "virome." Some claim there are 10 to the 48th number of viruses in our bodies. 

If this is true, when you inoculate unpurified lung samples onto cell cultures, presumably containing gazillions of these viruses, why is the only virus that "grows" the one you're looking for, i.e., SARS-CoV-2? Why aren't these other viruses seen, photographed, and found in the broken-down cell culture?

Question Five: Finally, can you offer other examples of "things" that are claimed to exist solely through the finding of pieces of that thing? To be clear, if no records of a purified virus such as SARS-CoV-2 exist, by what logic or scientific principles can one claim to prove that any piece, such as an antigen or genome, has come from that "thing?"



Some say Mass Formation Hypnosis is bunkum. Well, then how do you explain the minds of people not batting an eyelid even though so many more people are dying after the vaccine rollout than during the actual so-called 'Covid pandemic?

Intent to Harm:

By Doctors Mike Yeadon and Paul Alexander 

"The senior-most public health people and the drug companies knew what they were doing."

If you’re not aware of the multi-decade work of Patrick Wood, I recommend you secure an introduction to it by listening to an interview with James Delingpole. Incredibly interesting stuff.

I was, before the Covid era, vaguely aware of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), headquartered in Switzerland, like so many globalist organisations.

I recall reading about BIS in a book by Robert Peston, called “How do we fix this mess?”, written in the immediate aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis of 2009.

Until recently, I’d have smiled indulgently at anyone who suggested that the GFC was “an inside job”. Funnily enough, this very thing was suggested to me in 2021, by a person who was “something in The City” (of London). They mused that the GFC was a necessary precursor to the financial arrangements associated with the Covid era. This is because we’d grown used to the Alice in Wonderland nature of “Quantitative Easing”, whereby central banks ensure continuing liquidity to their member banks & national treasury functions ensure governments too can borrow freely, both sets of transactions underwritten by the issuance of various expressions of claims on future cash flows, namely bonds.

Had we not gotten used to reaching for QE as a tool, nobody would have so readily accepted specifically the hideous funding implications of lockdown-related “furlough” schemes, which have eviscerated sovereign currencies globally.

Loss of international confidence in these currencies - with the once-almighty US Dollar being the last to go under - which will in due course be pointed to as Exhibit A in the politicians publicly handwringing before telling us peons that “Sorry about that’s but your savings, investments & pensions have all gone, and we now need the deeds of your house to refinance the national coffers under a new, cashless currency, which will be wholly electronic & issued directly by central banks”.

These people are the direct architects & enablers of the NWO. ( New World Order )

Best wishes

Mike Yeadon.

There is nothing more I can add to this article today. Well, I guess there is but I think that's enough for today.

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