Why do Nurses obey unlawful orders??
The Hofling Hospital experiment:
In the experimental group 21 out of 22 (95%) nurses obeyed the doctor's orders and were about to administer the medication to the patient when a hidden observer stopped them.
Only one nurse questioned the identity of the researcher ('Doctor Smith') and why he was on the ward.
The nurses were not supposed to take instructions by phone, let alone exceed the allowed dose.
11 nurses who went to administer the drug admitted to being aware of the dosage for Astroten.
The other 10 did not notice but judged that it was safe as a doctor had ordered them to do so.
When other nurses were asked to discuss what they would do in a similar situation (i.e. a control group), 31 out of 33 said they would not comply with the order.
Hofling demonstrated that people are very unwilling to question supposed ‘authority’, even when they might have good reason to.
When the nurses were interviewed later, they pointed out that many doctors were in the habit of giving orders by telephone and became seriously annoyed if they were not obeyed.
Although such obedience was against regulations, the unequal power relations between doctors and nurses meant life would be very difficult if nurses did not do what they were told.
Hofling’s study showed how the social pressure brought about by the imbalance of power could lead to a nurse actually putting a patient at risk, rather than disobeying orders.”
The Nurses of the Third Reich also obeyed unlawful orders using the same excuse ie that the doctors would make their lives miserable if they disobeyed.
Many Nurses were brought to trial for mass murders, crimes against humanity, torture, euthanasia- as they simply “followed orders” issued by the doctors and killed and maimed countless innocent children …
The same is happening today: Nurses simply following unlawful orders.
Nurses have to determine what is a lawful order and what isn’t.
Yet how can they do this given:
- they weren’t taught law at school
- they haven’t learned enough law on the job, and
- they haven’t taught themselves the necessary law?
*So many/most appear to be unable to discern between lawful and unlawful orders.*
Time for compulsory legal education for the medical profession in my view:
it’s the only way we can hope to expect our medics to follow LAWFUL orders only and to be able to uphold our Rule of Law including our inalienable fundamental Right to Life which is compromised when medics don’t obtain lawful informed consent for medical interventions.
I propose that every medic must obtain a “certificate of legal competence” before being permitted to practice medicine.
They must be required to learn, understand and prove that they can uphold our Rule of Law as well as International and domestic Medical Ethics and principles of Morality.
They must be made to sit and pass an exam on these areas to enter the medical profession.
They must then be made to have regular reviews on their ability to uphold the Rule of Law, Ethics and Morals at regular intervals during their medical practice to ensure they have kept up to date with relevant legal, ethical and moral updates.
If they fail to be competent in these areas, they must be put on a Performance Improvement Plan to ensure their competency before being permitted to continue practising medicine.
Should they fail to improve their legal, ethical and moral competence during the PIP, they must be suspended, investigated and held accountable and liable for their actions and omissions - including possible dismissal on the grounds of incompetence to practice medicine.
As an employment lawyer and a management consultant myself, this would be my advice to the management/managers of the medics.
Until this remedial work is complete, none of us can trust a medic to be competent to uphold our Human Rights.
Anna de Buisseret
U.K. Lawyer
ALBERTA - Danielle Smith says that she is pulling Alberta out of dealings with the WEF & the health department’s signed ‘partnership’ with them during the pandemic.
Waking up to authoritarianism. Bravo 👏🏻 Watch the video at the top of the page.
China, Huizhou city.
After work, tens of thousands of Chinese people run for a daily routine PCR test to prove that they have a negative result on #COVID19 in order to keep their QR code green in order to keep their jobs. They have already become slaves, no one even wonders why the world is living a normal life while digital slavery has already been introduced in China.
This is coming to the West if we keep ignoring It. Digital banking and then social credit system. Then we're slaves. I would chew on a bullet first.
"A virus is a pathogenic, parasitic organism that isn’t classified as being alive, since a cell is an essential to our definition of life. A virus has no cell membrane, no metabolism, no respiration and cannot replicate outside of a living cell. A virus is a creepy half-live, single strand or double strand of DNA or RNA or both, looking for a cell to invade. Once inside, it reprograms the cell with its DNA or RNA and multiplies on mass, bursting through the cell with a thousand or more new virus strands seeking new cells to invade. RNA viruses mutate more easily than DNA viruses. (SARS, bird flu, West Nile virus, swine flu, hepatitis, measles, polio, yellow fever, and Ebola are among the many RNA viruses).
If two viruses invade the same cell (a bird virus and a human virus, for instance) their DNA can combine to form a new virus, a potentially virulent one. The same is true if two animal viruses combine and jump species to humans.
Viruses have two life cycles: the lytic cycle and the lysogenic cycle.
Lytic Cycle
In the lytic cycle, the virus focuses on reproduction. It invades a cell, inserts its DNA and creates thousands of copies of itself, bursts through the cell membrane, killing the cell, and each new viral strand invades new cells replicating the process.
Lysogenic Cycle
In the lysogenic cycle, viruses remain dormant within its host cells. The virus may remain dormant for years. Herpes and chickenpox are good examples. (Chicken pox can cause shingles in later life when the dormant virus reactivates.)
How Does the Body Fight a Virus?
Our bodies fight off invading organisms, including viruses, all the time. Our first line of defense is the skin, mucous, and stomach acid. If we inhale a virus, mucous traps it and tries to expel it. If it is swallowed, stomach acid may kill it. If the virus gets past the first line of defense, the innate immune system comes into play. The phagocytes wage war and release interferon to protect surrounding cells. If they cannot destroy the invading force, the phagocytes call the lymphocytes into play.
Our lymphocytes, T cells and B cells, retain a memory of any previous infection that was serious enough to bring them into the battle. Antibodies were formed and the body knows how to fight any infection it recognizes. (This is how vaccinations work. The body has fought a similar infection). But viruses can mutate, sometimes so much that they body cannot recognize them as a similar infection they fought in the past. They can also be so fast acting, they can kill before the lymphocytes are brought into play.
Viral infections are a symptom of a weak immune system. Your immune system is wholly dependant on your gut health. A sick gut has an abundance of fungi and other pathogens, and a healthy gut has a wide variety of beneficial bacteria. The supplements listed below are a half measure. A healthy nutrient dense diet, a healthy lifestyle, and a body void of as many toxins as possible is the first and foremost defence.
If you do become ill, DO NOT feed the virus or the Candida with sugar. Yes, you need to drink a lot of fluids, but don’t drink sodas and sugary juices at this time.
Gargle with organic apple cider vinegar. Cold’s and flu often start in the throat or the nasal cavities.
Also, remember that a fever is one of nature’s means to fight infection.
Herbs, Vitamins, and Natural Anti-virals
Vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin C are all vital nutrients for the immune system. If you take high doses of vitamin C to fight a virus, remember that you should not abruptly stop taking vitamin C. You should titrate down. Vitamin C is needed by the immune system to make interferon, which the immune system produces to protect healthy cells from viral invasion.
Texas Rejects New CDC Recommendation to Mandate COVID Shot for Schoolchildren
The entity that determines the vaccination schedule for children in Texas was quick to adjust its website on Oct. 20, hours after advisers to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a recommendation to add the COVID-19 vaccine to the children’s immunization schedule.
After a state representative expressed his concern, the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) removed a line on its website that stated: “Children need all CDC-recommended vaccines” to attend school.
Rep. Brian Harrison, a Republican, said he was pleased the DSHS quickly removed the “problematic language” from its website.
Harrison served as chief of staff for the federal Department of Health and Human Services during the Trump administration.
“I think governors who blindly defer to the CDC are derelict in their duty. I think state legislatures who allow state agencies to blindly defer to the CDC, at least for COVID vaccines, are derelict in their duty,” Harrison told The Epoch Times on Oct. 24.
Many states unilaterally adopt the CDC vaccination recommendations without input from elected officials or parents.
“These people [CDC officials] are approving vaccines based on nothing more than political considerations, and they’re doing it on a regular basis,” Harrison said.
“If we [the Trump administration] had approved a booster, for example … with data from only eight mice, there would have been immediate calls for impeachment.”
One of the CDC advisers who approved the COVID-19 vaccine for children on Oct. 20 said it was an the indication that the virus is endemic.
“When I think about the routine immunization schedule as a pediatrician, I think of it as an opportunity to prevent serious disease and death,” Dr. Matthew Daley, an adviser, said.
“And if something is added to the schedule, it’s because I feel like the benefits continue to strongly outweigh the risks.”
The COVID-19 vaccines have proven increasingly ineffective against both infection and severe illness from newer virus variants. In addition, there’s no evidence the vaccines protect against severe disease for children younger then age 5.
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