
Agenda 21-30

I know that many people do not believe in “ Agenda 21 or agenda 2030”However, it is no longer something they can call a conspiracy theory. Why? Because it's happening. Read more....




There's this feeling of frustration I have that the general population can not catch a glimpse of the reality of what is truly happening around us.

In the last few years, we have had, Covid, bird flu, monkeypox, Ebola and whatever else you can think of, all happening one after another. The world's population has been kept in a state of fear, it's no accident.

I wrote an article that predicted, monkeypox, Ebola, Marberg, a new strain of influenza, aviation bird flu, swine flu, foot & mouth disease and something that will be dangerous to dogs and maybe cats.

Also poisoning of our water, plants and crops and the destruction of our food supplies and supply chain.

I'm writing an article on agenda 21-30 which explains why this is happening, but until I finish that article, believe me when I say, nothing is happening that has not been meticulously planned.

Maybe I should join the two articles together because everything I say here is primarily the same in both. Yes, let's do that.

Agenda 21 was created by the United Nations, they plan a one-world government run by unelected sociopaths Klaus Schwab, Harari and soon-to-be King Charles III. Yes, Prince Charles was the brainchild who came up with the the whole idea of “Covid-19 the great reset”

In the book, there's a quote that most laugh off thinking it will never happen.

“You will own nothing and be happy”

I don't know if you noticed but, it took just 3 months for Klaus to write that book and have it published.

For a virus that no one knew anything about, he seemed to get everything spot on. Either Klaus has a crystal ball or he knew that Covid-19 was coming beforehand.

So what is the agenda 21 and agenda 2030?

The agenda is to have complete control over the people of the world. The majority of people do not believe that this can happen and dismiss it as a

“Conspiracy theory”

So how can they do this and get away with it? They seem to be doing a good job of it so far.

First of all, they must get control of the masses, they must instil fear among us otherwise it will not work.

Fear starts with something like a deadly pandemic, let's just imagine covid is a made-up pandemic.

Footage of people dying in the streets of China is spread around the world. But not one leader thought to stop flights from China to keep their country safe from such a deadly virus. So they let the virus into the countries of the world.

Fear is everywhere!

Everyone is glued to the TV waiting for mandates on what to do or not to do. Lies would be told about the number of deaths. They use “Covid Related” deaths to hike up the figures. No one questions this on Tv because the media are also controlled and start pushing out propaganda. Then imagine that the government put the country on a mask mandate. Then a lockdown and no one is aloud to travel. Everyone complies because they are so scared.

So now they have much of the population under the control of fear. Vaccines! Vaccines were made and bottled and delivered all around the world. The pharmaceutical companies made them in record time and the governments used their

EUA ( emergency use authorisation )

to allow the administration of an mRNA vaccine to be used on humans.

Messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines teach our cells how to make a protein that will trigger an immune response inside our bodies. Researchers have been studying and working with mRNA vaccines for decades.

Pfizer also has a patent on Covid for at least 2 decades. How can anyone patent something natural? That's right, they can't. So if it has a patent it can not be a natural virus. If that's not enough for anyone sceptical then how about a pharmaceutical company representative speaking in an interview saying exactly what people like myself have been saying all along. She confessed that they had never had a sample of the virus, nor had they seen the virus under a microscope. What they had was a “sequence

That's all that anyone had seen. And by changing a few numbers, they had a new sequence, you would know it as a “mutation”.

Covid is not real in the sense that it is a spreadable virus. All the symptoms are the symptoms of every illness that you can think of. If you had ANY of the symptoms, you were to stay at home and not go to the hospital or your GP. You had to isolate. I can't imagine how many people died at home doing what they thought was the right thing.

Businesses were closed down, except for essential shops and services. Pubs and clubs suffered terribly and many had to close down. Many many businesses closed their doors for the last time.

ONS business deaths per quarter for 2020 - 2021 due to Covid.

2020 Q1                102,275

2020 Q2                  73,580

2020 Q3                  67,040

2020 Q4                  89,725

2021 Q1                111,145

2021 Q2                105,455

2021 Q3                100,835

The UK's benefit claimant count had increased by 113.2% since March 2020.

All those who lost jobs and had to claim benefits are now dependent on the state. That's where they want you to be. People lost their homes and businesses and partners.

They printed billions of pounds which then caused inflation, making it hard for people to live. Then there's the pretence that the UK can not get gas. We can from Norway, we built it years ago. No one can mention it on mainstream media so, no one learns about it and anyone who writes about it gets a ban or maybe banned for life.

But now Biden has blown up the pipeline, thinking no one will look at him. But unfortunately I have video of him in February saying that if Putin invades Ukraine, they will end the pipeline one way or another. That’s an act of terrorism and there’s a half a mile wide bubbling pool of methane getting sucked up in the atmosphere which if it’s as bad as they say it is, this is an epocolyptic time. And Biden has committed an act of war on Europe.

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