

As I have written many times, a famine is coming. I think around two or three years I have been saying this and watching events unravel over time.

The first was when there were food plants simultaneously combusting all over the United States. Two planes crashed into two food plants within two weeks. Over 100 plants burned down and a few in other parts of the Western World. The UK had a few too. Then I predicted “Bird Flu” and “Swine Flu” Then there were railroad crashes carrying Fertiliser, one in Canada and one in the States.

You could not make this up, but the media denied this so I posted a list of all the companies that had had fires with their addresses and phone numbers all over social media for people to check for themselves.

Then the Farmers protested in Europe and the police even started firing shots at them as they drove past in their tractors one was captured on video narrowly missing a farmer driving the tractor. The bullet which was one of 3 luckily hit the cab's door bar and stopped.

But essentially I knew things were planned when these fires were starting out. It doesn't take a genius but it takes someone who takes notice of things and always asks questions.

In the video above a UK farmer is telling us that the government want farmers to stop growing food and grow flowers. Why? Well if they want a famine In the West the only countries that would have stocks in the West would be Russia, which we can not purchase from and Ukraine which is controlled by the United States which they will say is radioactive or something like that due to the war. Can you see how this is all shaping up? It was planned decades ago.

There are a few things that they did not anticipate though, the technology that they catapulted into overdrive, has been used against them. Social media is unstoppable and the word is spreading at breakneck speed.

Already the vaccines have dropped by a huge percentage ( I can't remember the figure so I won't guess ). And with Elon Musk allowing free speech on X ( Formerly Twitter ) the word is spreading faster. Many have seen young fit and healthy people pass away from sudden death.

So when will this famine start? Well, it is already in motion. Global Warning will be blamed for most of the food supply shortage but like everything else, global warming is a lie.

If the Tories or the Labour parties in the UK get voted in, the UK will see massive deaths, riots mugging etc because people will be starving.

If Trump doesn't win in the States, the whole Western World is going to be in Famine.

Whether you like Trump or not, he is the 1 of ONLY 2 men on this earth who is not bought by the Elite. The other is Putin. I know what people think because that's what has been portrayed by the media for decades.

So PLEASE share this article far and wide and stop this impending disaster which I can promise you is coming. I have never been wrong.

Thank you. Please Subscribe for free. I never charge EVER.


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